When will I ever learn and advice for my 2019 January self
Hey there, I am saying the above title in my head and shaking my head muttering when will I ever learn? After a winter that has already felt 15 years long ('winter is coming' my arse, this winter needs to do one already!!!) we are nearly through it peeps and despite snow on the ground today, very pretty, I already have a beautiful set of early daffodils in my kitchen, a gift from a friend and another friend Nina is not far off lambing ( her sheep, not her personally). I'm going to whisper this but spring may be around the corner! So why will I never learn? Ok I love Christmas, but I hate January.....with a passion. It's that returning to work feeling after a lovely holiday, too much getting up and coming home in the dark and rain. It even has its own miserable blue Monday. Not fun. And what do I do? I always set a number of lofty goals when my motivation is on the floor. But remember that Spring word I mentioned earlier? Now we're cooking on gas, I feel like...